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Dr.Cai Ronghui Physician
Chinese, English, Hokkien
Expertise:He is apt at managing health conditions caused by psychiatric turmoil, dizziness, insomnia, depression syndrome, menopausal syndrome, and improvement of sub-health conditions such as tendon and bone pain, lumbar and cervical spon-dylosis. He has assiduously studied classical and current TCM prescriptions, the classic of the Miraculous Pivot (fundamentalTCM theories), Taoist acupuncture, and measures of tendon and bone correction.
Personal Profile

Dr. Cai graduated from ShanghaiTCM University with a master's degree. He has more than three decades of clinical experience and has been mentored by a renowned TCM physician from Taiwan. He has much experience in Chinese Kung Fu, breathing techniques, and traditional techniques for muscular tendon resto-ration and bone correction.